Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Watch the following link :


The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

What is the speaker`s dilemma??

عيد أضحى مبارك من الصف التاسع(4)

الإحتفال برجوع روان للصف

 الحمد لله على سلامتك

 كل الصف سعيد برجوعك إالينا :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Your Homework - explained

Dear Students,
Some of you emailed me regarding this homework. I decided to translate the "difficult" questions for you!

*Watch the below video

*Fill in the missing words in the blanks !(in the previous post)

* What is the message behind the video? Describe it in your own words.
 ما هي الرسالة من وراء الفيديو كليب؟ أُكتبها بكلماتك
بجملتين أو ثلاث

 *Write down a paragraph or two  describing Sami Yusuf`s point of view on the abusive cartoons of our   beloved prophet (pbuh)

أكتب فقرة أو إثنتين وصف وجهة نظر سامي يوسف بالنسبه للرسوم المتحركة المسيئة لرسولنا الحبيب

* How relevant is Sami`s message to the teachings of our beloved prophet (pbuh)?

كيف تجد الترابط بين رسالة سامي وتعاليم نيبنا الحبيب عليه الصلاة والسلام؟

Friday, October 19, 2012


I promised some of my students to post the longest word in English language, here it is with other interesting words:)

The longest English word

"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (45)

The two longest one-syllable words in English
"screeched" (9)2, "strengths" (9)2.

words which contain all five (or six, if you append "ly") vowels in alphabetical order
"facetious"1, "abstemious"4, "annelidous"5, "arsenious"4

words which contain all five vowels in reverse alphabetical order
"duoliteral"5, "subcontinental"5 "uncomplimentary"5

words which contain the longest strings of consonants14
"bergschrund" (6), "borschts" (6), "eschscholtzia" (6), "latchstring" (6), "weltschmerz" (6)

longest word with no repeated letters
"uncopyrightable" (15)4
sentence containing seven spellings of the [i] ("ee") sound
"He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas."

sentence containing nine ways the combination "ough" can be pronounced
"A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughmanstrode through the streets of Scarborough;after falling into a slough,he coughed andhiccoughed."

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with left hand9
"desegregated" (12), "desegregates" (12), "reverberated" (12), "reverberates" (12), "stewardesses" (12), "watercresses" (12)

longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with right hand10
"homophony" (9), "homophyly" (9), "nonillion" (9), "pollinium" (9), "polyonomy" (9), "polyphony" (9)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Questions for your book report

Book Review Questions

Dear students,
In addition to the ten questions I gave you in class, choose one question from  each section and answer them for your book report.

Your teacher,

Bloom's Taxonomy Book Review Questions

1. Make a list of facts you learned from the story
2. List the characters and describe them
3. List five new words you learned in the book. Write down their dictionary pronunciation and meaning.
4. If your book was a mystery, tell what the mystery was and how it was solved
5. List ten good words from the book. Put them into a word search
6. What problems does one of the characters have, and how does he or she solve it?
7. Where did the story take place?
8. List the places mentioned in the book.
9. What other books has this author written?
10. What is the time period in which the book happens?

11. What was the problem in the book, and how was it solved?
12. Did anyone in the book do something you did not like? Why?
13. What kind of book is this? List three evidences of this
14. What was the author's purpose or purposes in writing this book?
15.  If you could continue the story, what events would you include? Why?
16. List the five major events in the story in the correct order.
17. Tell in your own words the beginning of the book
18. Describe what is happening in the first illustration in the book
19. How did the main character feel during the book? Give evidences of this.
20. What did the title have to do with the book?
21. Tell in your own words how the setting of the story made it more interesting.

23. Did this book remind you of anything that has happened to you? What? Why?
24. Did this book give you any new ideas about yourself? Why?
25. What would the main character be likely to do if s/he visited out classroom?

25. What would the main character be likely to do if s/he visited out classroom?
26. If you were in a problem situation like one in the book, how would you have acted? Be sure to tell what the situation is.
27. What lesson did you learn from the story?
28. Tell about a time something similar to what happened in the story happened to you or to someone you know.
29. Write a letter to a friend recommending this book.
30.  Pretend you are one of the characters in the book. Write a diary about the happenings in your life for two consecutive days.
31.  List the places in the book that are important. Then make up a map including these places as you imagine they may look. It may be a city map or a country map or any other kind of map.
32. What changes would have to be made if the book occurred 200 years ago?

33. If your story happened in a foreign land, compare that land to the United States.
34.  If your story occurred long ago, compare that time with today in a good paragraph. If it was a modern story, compare it with a long time ago and tell what would be different
35.  Pick one of the main characters. Think of a shape that fits that person's traits. Draw the shape. Then describe the character inside the shape
36. Decide which parts of the book include the five W's (who, what, when, where, why) and the H (how). Then write a good paragraph for a newspaper article including these facts.
37. Write a different ending to the book. Tell why you changed it.
38. Tell five ways the main character is like you
39. Find one word that describes a character in your book very well. Give five reasons for your choice of words.
40. In a good paragraph, state the main idea of the book.
41.  Compare this book with the last book you read.
42.  Compare two of the characters in this book.

43.  What part would you change in the story, and why?
44.  Using information from the book about one of the main characters, rewrote the ending of the book.
45. Write another short story using the same characters.
46. Name one character. Rewrite the story from this character's point of view.
47.  Write a poem about this book.
48. Organize this book into three or more sections and give your own subtitle for each section.
49.Design a poster for this book.

50.  Pretend you are a librarian recommending this book to someone. Write a paragraph telling what you would say.
51. Make an eight section comic strip with captions showing the main events of the story
52. Make a radio announcement t advertise the book. Write it out.
53. Prepare a book jacket that illustrates the kind of book as well as the story
54. Design costumes for the characters
55. The climax of any book or story is the exciting or interesting part. Tell what you think is the climax of the book and why.
56. Choose an interesting character from your book. Think of what his/her dislikes are; then think of a gift you would like to give him/her. Design a greeting card to go along with the gift in which you explain why you gave that gift.
57.  Identify one problem in the book and give an alternate solution one not given by the author.


58. Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why?
59. If you could only save one character from the book in the event of a disaster, which one would it be and why?
60. Is the title a good one or a poor one and why?
61. Did you like the way the story ended? Why or why not?
62. Which character in the book would you choose for a friend? Why?
63. What did you think was the most interesting part of the book? Why?
64. Tell about the most exciting part of the book. being sure to give at least three reasons why

Common genres

Common genres: fiction

Subsets of genres, known as common genres, have developed from the archetypes of genres in written expression. The common genres included in recommended Literature from kindergarten through Grade Twelve by the California Department of Education are defined:
  • Drama - stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action.
  • Fable - narration demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as humans; legendary, supernatural tale.
  • Fairy tale - story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children.
  • Fantasy - fiction with strange or other worldly settings or characters; fiction which invites suspension of reality.
  • Fiction narrative - literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact.
  • Fiction in verse - full-length novels with plot, subplot(s), theme(s), major and minor characters, in which the narrative is presented in (usually blank) verse form.
  • Folklore - the songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a people or "folk" as handed down by word of mouth.
  • Historical fiction - story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.
  • Horror - fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader.
  • Humor - fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement, meant to entertain; but can be contained in all genres
  • Legend - story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, that has a basis in fact but also includes imaginative material.
  • Mystery - fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets.
  • Mythology - legend or traditional narrative, often based in part on historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods.
  • Poetry - verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that creates emotional responses.
  • Realistic fiction - story that can actually happen and is true to life.
  • Science fiction- story based on impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, usually set in the future or on other planets.
  • Short story- fiction of such brevity that it supports no subplots.
  • Tall tale - humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the impossible with nonchalance.

  • Common genres: nonfiction
  • Biography/Autobiography
  • Narrative of a Person's Life - A true story about a real person.
  • Essay - A short literary composition that reflects the author's outlook or point.
  • Narrative Nonfiction - Factual information presented in a format which tells a story.
  • Speech - Public address or discourse

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

صور من يوم الدمج بين صفي الواعدين

صف الواعدين "حوره"

مربية الصف التاسع "1" حوره
 العزيزة سهى 

صفي العزيز
 أحلى أولاد صف

 بين الصفين -حلقة التعارف 

محطة لعبة الارقام 
حماس لم يشهد له مثيل


تلخيص اليوم

حماكم الله ووفقكم!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A letter to any ignorant director/cartoonist

To the director,

I am sorry but I can not address you as "dear"! This letter is addressed to all the ignorant directors/cartoonists out there!

My name is Ahlam, I am an Arab Muslim student in Shgeb Alslam High School.
I’m sending you this letter relating to the abusive film that you made about our beloved prophet (pbuh) .

 It’s very  obvious to me, all Muslims and non-Muslims that you are aiming to insult our prophet(pbuh) who we admire and love deeply. I take this insult as personal . Your film is  shameful and unacceptable even under the RIGHT of Free Speech. I would like  to assure you  that you still live in ignorance , yes in  ignorance!! I advise you to look in history books and to read about Islam and our prophet. Only then may be your mind  will comprehend the real truth that you can’t ever distort. Our prophet (pbuh) is light for all humankind. We love him and the message he brought to us is about tolerance and love. Your low style will never change that!

I hope after you read about him, you  apologize for you’re shameful work. Your apology should be made for all  Muslims and humankind.I advise you to do it  as soon as possible.

Ahlam Alhammamdah

Your Homework for NEXT Thursday

Dear Students,

*Watch the below video

*Listen to the lyrics carefully
*Complete the song by filling the missing blanks.

It's a game
That they __________
شتموه لما جهلوه 
(They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه 
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)
What a shame
What they say
شتموه لما جهلوه 
(They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه 
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

Where are you in my_________?
You feel so _______ but so far
When All I want is to ________
Your ________in front of me
You make me ______ around
Shadows in the _________
Only for the sunrise
To ______n my eyes
Makes me ______ to my feet
Walk around the city streets
Hoping that I'll_____you
By my side
Then I feel your sunlight
________and so bright
Feeling I'm in your arms
For a while
Hours pass like a _____
Moving through the _____ trees
Hand in hand you and me
With your ________

شتموه لما جهلوه 
(They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه 
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)
What a shame
What they say
شتموه لما جهلوه 
(They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه 
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

I ______ you in my life
Like the air with which I _______
________ upon my beloved
So let them say what they want to say
Salutations upon my beloved
It's the same game they always play
Salutations upon my beloved
I'll ______ my ears the other way
Salutations upon my beloved
It makes no _____ either way
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game they're always going to play
Let them say what they want to ______
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
They're always going to play
play, play, play, Play

* What is the message behind the video? Describe it in your own words.
 *Write down a paragraph or two  describing Sami Yusuf`s point of view on the abusive cartoons of our   beloved prophet (pbuh)
* How relevant is Sami`s message to the teachings of our beloved prophet (pbuh)?

This HW should be included on your portfolios for NEXT Thursday.

Good luck!

Monday, October 8, 2012

يوم "دمج" بين صفي الواعدين في العلوم والتكنولوجيا

يوم "دمج" بين صفي الواعدين في العلوم والتكنولوجيا

الهدف: أن ندمج بين الصفين ونخلق جو تنافسي واجتماعي، وترسيخ الروابط الاجتماعية بين الصف الواحد وتوثيقها كما وبين الصفين. والتعرف على نظرائهم في مشروع الواعدين وتعزيز الثقة في نفوسهم كصف يحمل "عبء" التميز.

الصف التاسع "1" مدرسة عتيد النور حورة
المربية: سهى ناطور + مرافق
الصف التاسع "4" مدرسة شقيب السلام الثانوية الشاملة
المربية: منال عباس + مرافق

التاريخ: يوم الخميس الموافق 11-10-2012

ساعة الخروج: الثامنة والنصف صباحًا
المكان:  بئر-السبع.

برنامج اليوم:

8:30  :  الوصول لبئر السبع 
8:30-9:00: فعالية تعارف مشتركة بين الصفين (فعالية الاسم مع الحركة+ الاسم مع المهنة المستقبلية).
9:00 – 11:00: تقسيم إلى مجموعات (4 مجموعات حسب أرقام، كل مجموعة تحتوي على 15 طالب).
تمرر في كل مجموعة فعالية مختلفة تهدف إلى تعميق التعارف بين طلاب الصفين. مدة فعالية 20 دقيقة.
11:00-11:45: وجبة غداء.
11:45- 12:30: فعالية الختام. (فحوى الفعالية يتلائم مع هدف اليوم)
12:30-13:00: تلخيص(وتخطيط للفعالية القادمة)

الفعاليات المقترحة:

1. الحبل الأعمى:
 تغميض عيون الطلاب من أجل بناء شكل معين حسب التعليمات، في المرة الأولى بدون كلام والمرة الثانية مع كلام وفي المرة الأخيرة مع مرشد غير مغمض العينين.

2. دائرة النار:
 وضع قنينة في مركز "دائرة النار" على المشتركين إخراج القنينة بمساعدة حبل دون الدخول إلى داخل الدائرة.

3. لعبة الأرقام:
 يقسم المشتركين إلى مجموعتين، ويتم وضع أرقام بشكل عشوائي على الأرض، على كل مجموعة أن تقوم بلمس الأرقام تصاعديًا خلال اقصر وقت ممكن.

4. نهر التماسيح:
يقسم المشتركين إلى مجموعتين، ويكون الهدف اجتياز النهر من ضفة واحدة إلى أخرى دون "الوقوع" بالنهر- ملامسة الأرض. في الوسط توضع "دائرة التجميد".. اجتياز النهر يكون من خلال "الكرتونة" كل كرتونة فارغة- لا توجد عليها قدم "يأكلها" التمساح.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

فعاليات كل مجموعة في حصة التربية


وسائل إيضاح  صفية

كل مجموعة مسؤولة عن  حائط في الصف


تعزيز الانتماء
العمل بمجموعات وكطاقم
تنافس لتغيير الصف وتجميله