Saturday, October 20, 2012

Your Homework - explained

Dear Students,
Some of you emailed me regarding this homework. I decided to translate the "difficult" questions for you!

*Watch the below video

*Fill in the missing words in the blanks !(in the previous post)

* What is the message behind the video? Describe it in your own words.
 ما هي الرسالة من وراء الفيديو كليب؟ أُكتبها بكلماتك
بجملتين أو ثلاث

 *Write down a paragraph or two  describing Sami Yusuf`s point of view on the abusive cartoons of our   beloved prophet (pbuh)

أكتب فقرة أو إثنتين وصف وجهة نظر سامي يوسف بالنسبه للرسوم المتحركة المسيئة لرسولنا الحبيب

* How relevant is Sami`s message to the teachings of our beloved prophet (pbuh)?

كيف تجد الترابط بين رسالة سامي وتعاليم نيبنا الحبيب عليه الصلاة والسلام؟


  1. It's a game

    It's a game
    That they play
    شتموه لما جهلوه
    (They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
    تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
    (They became his followers when they truly knew his way)
    What a shame
    What they say
    شتموه لما جهلوه
    (They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
    تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
    (They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

    Where are you in my dreams?
    You feel so close but so far
    When All I want is to see
    Your face in front of me
    You make me chase around
    Shadows in the moon light
    Only for the sunrise
    To open in my eyes
    Makes me jump to my feet
    Walk around the city streets
    Hoping that I'll find you
    By my side
    Then I feel your sunlight
    beautiful and so bright
    Feeling I'm in your arms
    For a while
    Hours pass like a breeze
    Moving through the palm trees
    Hand in hand you and me
    With your Smile

    شتموه لما جهلوه
    (They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
    تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
    (They became his followers when they truly knew his way)
    What a shame
    What they say
    شتموه لما جهلوه
    (They insulted him when they didn’t know who he was)
    تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
    (They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

    I need you in my life
    Like the air with which I breathe
    salutations upon my beloved
    So let them say what they want to say
    Salutations upon my beloved
    It's the same game they always play
    Salutations upon my beloved
    I'll turn my ears the other way
    Salutations upon my beloved
    It makes no difference either way
    Salutations upon my beloved
    It's a game they're always going to play
    Let them say what they want to say
    Salutations upon my beloved
    It's a game, It's a game
    It's a game, It's a game
    It's a game, It's a game
    They're always going to play
    play, play, play, Play

    * What is the message behind the video? Describe it in your own words.
    This video is reply at abusive movie. To see the world that the prophet Mohammad is not like the imaginaries.
    *Write down a paragraph or two describing Sami Yusuf`s point of view on the abusive cartoons of our beloved prophet (pbuh)
    He wants them to know the Islam not like they imaginaries, the prophet also. The prophet Mohammad called the peace and they think the opposite. In this movie Sami called the peace. Also he wants the ignorant to know who the prophet Mohammad was really
    How relevant is Sami`s message to the teachings of our beloved prophet (pbuh)?
    He reply at this movie not beat or curses. But an the Islam way. In our religion we must respect the other people Irrespective of religion

  2. السلام عليكم
    انا انس الحمامده
    معلمه اليوم نسيت ان اقدم البورت فوليو
    اني كنت عند استاذ سليمان ابو سرحان بحل امتحان
    ارجو منكي ان تقبليه غدا

    1. Anas,
      Yes , you can bring tomorrow but this is the last time you don`t your portfolio on time.

      Good luck!

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